Sunday, August 9, 2009

Self-cleaning Clothing

The mere mysterious nature of science and technology alone invites extensive researches and comprehensive experiments be carried out just to unravel the greatest evidences that can deny our prevalent myths regarding the many inventions and yet to be initiated inventions.

The inventions closely associated with our routine life are welcomed with zeal and zest and with a burning hope that it might placate our chores and prove to be quite handy and convenient in use. One such recent under-observation discovery and research is regarding “self-cleaning clothing”.

As the name suggests, this new innovation has been discovered and is being developed to enable the automatic cleaning of the clothes without the involvement of manual labour. This main derivation and implication has been primarily created by the researches in Monash University located in Victoria, Australia.

They discovered an exclusively indigenous way of applying the Titanium Dioxide nanocrystals onto the natural fibres thus making up a smooth coating. Natural fibres in use of the experiment are silk, wool and hemp. The nanocrystals specialize in the breakdown food and dirt whilst being placed in the sunlight. So the clothes which have the applied- coating on them, will automatically shed the grim stains of food, drinks inclusive of those specially produced by Red Wine as well.

To explain this behaviour, a simple theoretical account can be given. Titanium Dioxide is consumed in toothpastes, sun-blocks and paint and is a strong photo catalyst, side by side. According to official reports, in the presence of water vapours and sunlight, the compound shapes into hydroxyl radicals and hence breaks down the organic matter.

Besides performing these extremely significant tasks, these crystals pose, whatsoever, no evident harm or decomposition of the wool. Likewise, there is no subsequent change in the texture and appearance of the cloth. As the compound has the general characteristic of breaking down the organic matter, hence, it also destroys the bacterial organisms that may be present in the clothes. Their cell walls are easily destroyed consequently they are unable to carry out their living activities and soon die out. For this matter they can be successfully consumed in the hospitals and medical operations.

Although such nanoparticle or nanofibre based repellents, in paints and fabrics have been consumed before, though on a smaller scale, this latest technology involving the use of sunlight has, no doubt, aggravated the passion inside the manufacturers to create new competitive products for the world-wide masses that will also augment their individual potential markets and their subsequent profits and sales.


  1. very informative piece of knowledge
    i am surely looking forward for more like this
    cant wait for your next entry
    good job Norin

  2. no pics to support your text ???

  3. Very innovative and comprehensive research from a young enthusiast. Keep it up!

  4. Well!!
    As to the question of Illustrations with the article, as I described above, it is a pursueing reasearch and a mere description for some possible future practical forms. Due to its reasearch-oriented base, appropriate illustrations had been quite impossible to find and add up.

    Hope you understand the limitation Mr. Fahad!

  5. a brillaint piece of work..its really really go0d..!! !!

  6. awesum!!!!!!really liked it...good job norin baji!!
